However, I did get myself into a project this week. Remember my office post? The one where I unearthed it? Well, as I was organizing my paperwork in preparation to do taxes, I looked around and tried to come up with a better way to arrange it. Hmmmm...if I moved the desk over here, and boxed up, or got rid of some of this and that...
One thing led to another and now it's in an upheaval. A lot of stuff is in my college daughter's room right now, because you know, as long as I'm moving this monster desk and file cabinets, I might as well paint the walls! Jamie is coming home this weekend so the race is on to get it done!
I had some gray paint I got at the Habitat Restore. It was too dark, so I added white paint and it's the perfect shade. I plan to use amethyst accents, and this paint has a lavender tint to it. This lamp is the piece that determined the color scheme.
It's hard to see in these pictures, but the walls are now painted a light gray. I just love a new paint job. Everything looks so fresh and clean!
I still have one more wall to go. It needs a lot of patching as you can see. We used to have shelves where the holes are. The desk covered it, so I didn't patch them before. My bad!
I'd really like to paint the desk, but hubby about had a conniption when I mentioned it. He did finally say, "whatever I wanted," but I could tell he wasn't too happy about it. I think I'm going to wait. This room is going to get totally redone soon. We are going to be expanding our tiny little bathroom into the hallway and part of this room. When we do, this room will be smaller, and I plan to build floor to ceiling cabinetry all around the room. I don't think this desk will stay here then, so I might not want it white when I move it elsewhere.
I will post more pictures when I get the room put back together. Call me crazy, but it's good to smell paint fumes again!

Hello my sweet friend!! How are you? Hopefully not buried under too much snow! :) I can't wait to see what you have going in there, the walls look so pretty and fresh! I know how it goes, one things always leads to another! :) I hope you are well! Hugs to you and stay warm!
I like how the lamp was your theme for the room...Amethyst is so beautiful..and I admire how you mixed the gray paint with some white!
Cant wait to see it when its finished Deborah..
Deborah :)
LOL! Painting is not my favorite. Trying to live inside a home that is being painted is really not my favorite :)